PAX 2014 aka Penny Arcade Expo

This post is a little late, like a year late, but still I need to post our PAX 2014 Adventure!  My son and I dressed up as Princess Peach and Toon Link, so we got our photos taken a couple times. Here is one that made it onto The Escapist. 

Next PAX we’ll coordinate our outfits better!

Arcade Block February 2015

Well, Nerd Block nailed it again this month with an awesome tribute box to the newly released The Legend of Zelda Majora’s Mask for the New 3DS.  I love the Link to the Past map mouse pad! Also, the shirt is just gorgeous!  Here is a close-up of the StarFox mug, which is brilliant!!

Loot Crate February 2015

Loot Crate is here and it had several cool items in it! I especially like the poster that you can’t see here, because I didn’t want to unravel it yet, but it is a dark navy blue stylized Pac-Man picture.  I will frame it and take a photo later.  My son will love the HexBug!  Also, very excited to have a Loot Crate exclusive deck of SuperFight Cards!  Thank you Loot Crate!!

Chrono Cross Clock

It’s been years since I played Chrono Cross on the PS1. Due to the lack of good RPGs (in my opinion), I started a new game up and this time I’ll be working on different party members. In celebration of playing Chrono Cross again, I’ve brought out my old Squaresoft clock…it still works! #chronocross #squaresoft #rpg

Dragon Quest Slime

“I’m cute and a controller too!” So you say Dragon Quest Slime, but I don’t dare use you as a controller.  You are far too cute and precious to turn upside-down and button mash!  I love you right here on my video game shelf.